Ms. Martina John Kani

peacebuilding   and gender mainstreaming  in Yambio e.g.
Held community dialogue, peace and gender awareness rising, mitigate conflict through different methods, roundtable discussion on community concerns, organized civil society open platform and community security assessment (Baseline survey to guide the implementation of the project.Martina also managed safer world implementing partners, community Action Groups, Facilitate Community and state stakeholders’ monthly meeting in Yambio.
Led as a chairperson  in organizing the celebration  of the international  women’s day in Maridi in 2020, representing  Saferworld support the Saferworld  project coordinator  and the implementing  partners on  community  security  and peace building  activities  for the communities  and stakeholders.

Ms. Martina also led as a finance coordinator at SSuEMOP during the electoral process of the general election and referendum in South Sudan, reaching out to ten state coordinator with financial transactions, training and reporting.

Naabaya hails from Bariwara village in a town called Ri Rangu in Yambio County, Republic of South Sudan



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